Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to register to apply job?

    Yes, you need to be a registered user to apply jobs at KROJA and you MUST upload resume before apply any job

  • What should I do after Sign Up new account?


    Go to user dashboard by click at your username at top right side. Click dashboard

    Step 2:

    Go to My Profile and fill in your working experience and other information or you can skip by uploading Resume/CV

    Step 3:

    Find and apply job at job listing

  • I forgot my password. How do I get a new one?

    You can reset your password if you have forgotten it. 

    Step 1:  

    Go to

    Step 2:  

    Fill in your registered email address and click "Send Password Reset Link" button.

    Step 3:  

    Please wait for the system sending email on how to reset password

    Step 4:  

    In the email you received, click on the link to set your new password. Fill in your new password and keep it safe. After this, you can sign in your account with the new password.

  • Do I need to pay to apply jobs?

    No. Kroja is completely FREE for Candidate.

  • If I accidentally choose Employer when register new account, how to change it back to Candidate?

    Please contact us to assist you